Order Chicks and Ducks at Lowry's
There are so many reasons to raise your own chickens. One obvious reason is for fresh, organic eggs. However, they are also great for gardens, because they eat bugs, scratch the ground like little tillers, and provide a fertilizer. Chickens are low-maintenance and also provide great opportunities for children to learn responsibility and where food comes from. And if all these reasons weren’t good enough, then let’s just add that chickens are fun entertainment for the whole family.
So, now that you know WHY you should be raising chickens, let’s go over what KIND of chickens there are available. Here’s a quick guide to help you decide which variety is right for you:
- Ameraucana Pullets – lays eggs in shades of blue
- Ameraucana Roosters
- Barred Rock – strong dual-purpose chicken for meat and year-round egg laying
- Barred Rock Roosters
- Black Jersey Giants – good for eggs and meat
- Black Sex Links – lays brown eggs
- Blue Jersey Giants – lays brown eggs
- Buff Brahmas – hardy chickens, lays brown eggs
- Buff Orpingtons – lays brown eggs, also good for meat
- Cinnamon Queen – hybrid, lays brown eggs
- Cuckoo Marans – lays dark eggs, also good for meat
- Golden Comets – lays medium to large brown eggs, can lay 5-6 eggs per week
- New Hampshires – lays large brown eggs
- Olive Eggers – lays olive eggs, hybrid breed created by crossing a blue egg layer with a brown egg layer
- Production Red – lays large brown eggs
- Silver Laced Wyandottes – lays brown eggs
- Speckled Sussex – lays light brown eggs, can continue laying in cold weather
- Welsummers – lays dark brown eggs, also great for meat
- White Leghorns – lays large white eggs, averages 280 eggs per year
Ducks, Guineas, and Turkeys are available for order too:
- Mallard Ducks – male or female
- White Pekin Ducks – friendly, lays large white eggs, also good for meat
- French Guineas – good for reducing tick populations, and good for meat
- Broad Breasted White Turkeys – good for meat
- Orlopp Mammoth Bronze Turkeys – good for meat
We’re accepting pre-orders now and chicks will start arriving on March 9th. Certain varieties sell out quickly, so please go ahead and place your pre-order by calling the store at 704-546-2410 or come by!
We also have the feed, coups and other items you need to take care of your chickens, ducks, guineas and turkeys.