Order Chicks and Ducks at Lowry’s

white chicken coop with green roof
chicken coop at Lowry's General Store in Harmony, NC.

Order Chicks and Ducks at Lowry's

There are so many reasons to raise your own chickens. One obvious reason is for fresh, organic eggs. However, they are also great for gardens, because they eat bugs, scratch the ground like little tillers, and provide a fertilizer. Chickens are low-maintenance and also provide great opportunities for children to learn responsibility and where food comes from. And if all these reasons weren’t good enough, then let’s just add that chickens are fun entertainment for the whole family.

So, now that you know WHY you should be raising chickens, let’s go over what KIND of chickens there are available. Here’s a quick guide to help you decide which variety is right for you:

  • Ameraucana Pullets – lays eggs in shades of blue
  • Ameraucana Roosters
  • Barred Rock – strong dual-purpose chicken for meat and year-round egg laying
  • Barred Rock Roosters
  • Black Jersey Giants – good for eggs and meat
  • Black Sex Links – lays brown eggs
  • Blue Jersey Giants – lays brown eggs
  • Buff Brahmas – hardy chickens, lays brown eggs
  • Buff Orpingtons – lays brown eggs, also good for meat
  • Cinnamon Queen – hybrid, lays brown eggs
  • Cuckoo Marans – lays dark eggs, also good for meat
  • Golden Comets – lays medium to large brown eggs, can lay 5-6 eggs per week
  • New Hampshires – lays large brown eggs
  • Olive Eggers – lays olive eggs, hybrid breed created by crossing a blue egg layer with a brown egg layer
  • Production Red – lays large brown eggs
  • Silver Laced Wyandottes – lays brown eggs
  • Speckled Sussex – lays light brown eggs, can continue laying in cold weather
  • Welsummers – lays dark brown eggs, also great for meat
  • White Leghorns – lays large white eggs, averages 280 eggs per year

Ducks, Guineas, and Turkeys are available for order too:

  • Mallard Ducks – male or female
  • White Pekin Ducks – friendly, lays large white eggs, also good for meat
  • French Guineas – good for reducing tick populations, and good for meat
  • Broad Breasted White Turkeys – good for meat
  • Orlopp Mammoth Bronze Turkeys – good for meat

We’re accepting pre-orders now and chicks will start arriving on March 9th. Certain varieties sell out quickly, so please go ahead and place your pre-order by calling the store at 704-546-2410 or come by!

We also have the feed, coups and other items you need to take care of your chickens, ducks, guineas and turkeys.

purina poultry feed display at Lowry's general store
Purina Poultry Feed
chick food display at Lowrys
Poultry essentials

Father’s Day Specials

child coloring
child coloring

Father's Day Specials at Lowry's (2021)

June 14-19: Children can come pick up a free craft project to make for their fathers! Yes, the craft pack is FREE, just come pick it up. One per child, available while supplies last.

We also have several great Father’s Day gift options including tools, tool boxes, case knives, grills, grilling essentials, clothes, and more.

Shop at Lowry’s to get the special men in your life something they will enjoy!

We’re located at 3204 Harmony Hwy., Harmony, NC 28634. 

Just a Few Father's Day Gift Ideas

Mother’s Day Specials at Lowry’s

girl's hands holding a small plant in dirt ball
girl's hands holding a small plant in dirt ball

Mother's Day Specials at Lowry's (2021)

May 3-8: Children can pick up a free flower, pot, and dirt to take home and plant for their mom. We’re offering one per child until we run out. And yes, this adorable DIY children’s project is free, just come pick it up!

We have several other Mother’s Day gift options, which include hanging baskets, flower pots, jewelry, apparel, and more.

If you’re buying your Mother’s Day gift at Lowry’s, let us know and we can gift wrap it for you!

Gardening Tips

flowers and plants in the garden section at Lowry's general store
flowers and plants in the garden section at Lowry's general store
garden seeds
shovel yard tools
garden supplies at Lowry's store

Gardening Tips

Gardening can be so much fun, but also a lot of work. To make the most of your gardening experience, we want to share some tips with you.


Pick a good spot for planting your garden. You want to make sure your garden gets enough sunlight during the day. Also, having your garden in a more visible spot will help you to remember to tend to it.


Before putting your seeds or plants in the ground, make sure you have a thoughtful garden layout. The Old Farmer’s Almanac has some layout options here.

Know Your Zone

Make sure what you plant is recommended for your growing zone. Our community is located in Zone 7. If you want to take a look at a zone map, see this one by the USDA.

Quality Products

Make sure you have good seeds, healthy plants, and the right tools such as a garden hoe, shovel, and gloves. We sell all these products here at Lowry’s. See more about our gardening section here.

Soil Care

Whether you are tilling a garden plot or setting up a raised garden bed, you will want to make sure your soil is in good shape for your plants. Ways to make sure your soil is (and stays) rich include adding compost, fertilizer, and mulch. Start preparing your soil before you plant your garden. You can also test your soil to find out the pH level and other nutrients that are in or missing from your soil.

Protect and Manage

We can about guarantee that you will not be the only one enjoying your garden. There are pests from small bugs to larger animals that will make their way to your garden. You will want to have the proper repellents on hand to protect your plants. You may also want to built a scarecrow or add fencing and netting around your garden to offer added protection. We also recommend keeping an eye on late frosts. Frost will damage your plants, so if you notice the air getting chilly, check frost advisories and cover your plants if needed.

Removing weeds regularly is also a must. A little weeding most every day can prevent weeds from overtaking your garden. We also recommend knowing how to prune your plants. Some plants have instructions that recommend removing to many fruits/vegetables that may be growing to allow for larger fruits and vegetables to be produced. Read the instructions for your particular plants.


Make sure your plants are getting enough water. This will help them to not only survive, but also thrive.

Harvest at the Right Time

Keep an eye on your plants to know when fruits and veggies are getting ripe. Making sure to pick the fruits of your labor at the right time will ensure a delicious reward.


Do you have a helpful gardening tip? Find us on Facebook or Instagram and let us know in the comments!

We hope you find these tips helpful and wish you happy gardening! If you need more help, come visit our store and we can assist you in getting what you need for a successful garden. We’re located in at 3204 Harmony Hwy, Harmony, NC 28634.


Stock Your Pond at Lowry’s

pond stocking through lowrys, fish information as found in article below

Stock Your Pond at Lowry's

Find the right fish to stock your pond at Lowry’s. Come see us or call us at 704-546-2410 to place your order.
pond stocking through lowrys, fish information as found in article below

We are working with Southland Fisheries Corp in Hopkins, SC to bring you several great options for fish, which include the Coppernose Bluegill, Channel Catfish, Shellcracker, Mosquitofish, and Sterile Grass Carp. Fish will arrive and be available for pick up on Thursday, April 15. Orders should be placed 5 days ahead of their arrival.

Learn more about each of the fish we’re selling and how they can enhance your pond. Also, find out which ones are great for eating! Please note, the recommended stocking numbers below are for a pond with little to no pre-existing fish and is fertilized, limed, fed, and properly maintained.


Coppernose Bluegill

Coppernose Bluegill

1-3”, $55 per 100
Max Length: 12 in
Max Weight: 4.5 lbs
Lifespan: 5-8 years
Stocking Rate: 700 per acre (+300 Bluegill)

The bluegill is probably the best fish available for panfish at the dinner table. They are also aggressive biting fish, which makes for exciting fishing experiences. The Coppernose Bluegill has become very popular in the south, because they have a faster growth rate than other bluegills. They can reach harvestable size within 12 months and can reach 1 lb in a year living in the right conditions. They also reproduce very well in large quantities, making them a great feeder fish for your bass. The Coppernose Bluegill should be fed twice a day for best results. It’s native habitat is similar to the Florida bass. It is found in central and southern Florida and a small part of south east Georgia. Mature copper nose have a distinct copper or cream-colored bar across the nose, extending back to the gill cover.

Channel Catfish

Channel Catfish

3-5”, $60 per 100
Max Length: 50 in
Max Weight: 40-50 lbs
Lifespan: 15-20 years
Stocking Rate: 300-500 per acre

The Channel Catfish is North America’s most numerous catfish species. They are also one of the most enjoyed table fish and have a fast growth rate. If fed regularly, they can reach 2 lbs in about a year, which makes them harvestable. This catfish is normally restocked about every 1-2 years as they are removed and are normally unsuccessful at reproducing in ponds, because their young are consumed by bass, bream, and other catfish. It’s the official fish of Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, and Tennessee. In the United States, they are the most fished catfish species with around 8 million anglers targeting them each year.

Shellcracker fish

Shellcracker (Redear Sunfish)

1-3”, $55 per 100
Max Length: 17 in
Max Weight: 5.75 lbs
Lifespan: 5-8 years
Stocking Rate: 300 per acre (+700 Bluegill)

Shellcrackers have similar characteristics to the Bluegill, but tend to grow slightly larger. They can be stocked with Bluegill, because they add variety without much competition for natural food. This fish mainly eats snails, mollusks, and other small shelled creatures.


Mosquitofish (Gambusia Minnows)

$40 per 100
Max Length: < 3 in
Lifespan: 1.5 years
Stocking Rate: 1000 per acre

These minnows are primarily stocked as a forage fish and through establishing a strong bottom of the food chain, allow the larger fish to grow well. Their spawning season is when the water temperature reaches above 57 degrees F, and their gestation period is 16-28 days. On average, they give birth to about 60 live young per spawn. Since they are heavily preyed upon, they will not overtake your pond. Also, because of their high reproduction rate, they are rarely completely consumed. The Mosquitofish also provides an effective and natural method of backyard mosquito control in neglected or “green” swimming pools, fountains, ponds, and birdbaths, as well as animal troughs, and other standing water sources. They diet consists largely of mosquito larvae.

Sterile Grass Carp

Sterile Grass Carp

8-11”, $12 each
Max Length: 4-5 ft
Max Weight: 80+ lbs
Lifespan: 8-10 years
Stocking Rate:
8-10 per acre (new ponds)
15-25 per acre (med-heavy weed problem)
35+ per acre (severe weed problem)

Sterile Grass Carp are an organic method of controlling problematic weeds instead of using expensive and harmful chemicals. They are a non-indigenous species from Asia and can easily become invasive. For this reason, only sterile carp are allowed to be sold in SC, GA, NC, among other states. They are individually hand blood-tested to confirm their sterility. Grass Carp are far less expensive than chemicals and will continue controlling weeds for approximately 8-10 years. They will start by eating their favorite plants almost exclusively. Stocking at the recommended rate is very important in order to achieve adequate results. Grass Carp will eat most aquatic plants and weeds. You may want to research the types of weeds you are finding in your pond to make sure they are a part of a Grass Carp’s diet. They will not eat the fish eggs in your pond. You may find that they are coming to your fish feed. This is common, but they will continue feeding on weeds.


Come see us at Lowry’s to place your order, or call us at 704-546-2410.


southland fisheries corp logo

We source our fish from Southland Fisheries Corp, and the information provided here is also sourced from them and their recommendations.

Fish Days at Lowry's 2020

Luck of the Draw Contest

four leaf clovers
four leaf clovers

Luck of the Draw Contest at Lowry's Store

While we can’t exactly claim that our clover seed is more lucky than any other in town, you could be a lucky winner at the end of this month if you shop at our store!

That’s right, we’re giving away a special prize at the end of March and every purchase you make in our store will get you an entry to win. So, do you need flowers, seed, feed, toys, or something else? Come shop our store and get entered to win a special prize with each purchase.

Come see us and try your luck!